Tuesday, February 9, 2016

About the Advanced LIGO Rumours and Gravitational Waves (part 3)

In part 1 and part 2 of this series of article, I have made some predictions that set quantum-geometry dynamics apart from predictions made using general relativity. I have explained that gravitational signals would be similar. I will clarify what I meant here. Below is a graph figure taken from this paper which describes the shape of a gravitational wave signal produced by merging of two black holes as predicted by general relativity (black curve). I have drawn (somewhat crudely) over the graph, in red, the shape of a gravitational signal predicted by quantum-geometry dynamics. If GR prediction is correct, there would be an increase in amplitude and frequency as the black holes spiral towards collision. But if QGD is correct, there would be an increase in frequency similar to that predicted by GR but we would see decrease in the amplitude of the signal as the black holes spiral towards collision.


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