Saturday, February 13, 2016

Could the LIGO have picked up some seismic activity?

Did some preliminary calculations today using QGD’s equation for gravitational interactions and it appears that the differential in magnitude of the interaction with a binary system along the length of the arms would be too small to give the signal that was detected by LIGO.

I’m starting to think that LIGO detected some seismic activity. The pattern of the signal, frequency and amplitude would fit seismic activity very well and that would explain why the two LIGO detectors saw the signal and explain the differences between the shapes of the individual detections. Should this be the case, taking into account the delay between the detections by the two observatories, the propagation speed of the seismic activity, it may be possible to pinpoint the source.

Hope some geophysicist friend will have time to look into it.

Friday, February 12, 2016

The LIGO Announcement Event or How Fast Can a Wave of Embarrassment Move through the Media?

First, I would like to acknowledge the amazing engineering feat that is the LIGO. Its completion is an achievement of historical proportion. I have nothing but admiration for the work that has been done. But without taking away any of the well deserved credit, I think we need to look closely at the observation of what is assumed to be a gravitational wave made in September 2015 and which motivated the claim that gravitational waves have been discover at long last and, by some incredible serendipity, a century after their existence has been predicted.

I’m not going to go into the detail as to why I believe gravitational waves do not exist since that I have explained this at length. And I will reserve for later a discussion of the fact that there is no matter energy mechanism that allows for conversion of matter into gravitational energy as is required for the general relativity prediction to hold. In fact, I will not in any way criticize general relativity and its predictions, many of which coincide with QGD’s prediction (see An Axiomatic Approach to Physics). My criticism here is not due to a theoretical bias, but about how scientists, as they have recently done with the BICEP 2 result, have again jumped the gun and make what can only be qualified as the most extraordinary claim in the history of science.

When we ignore all the biases due to the assumed certainty of the existence of gravitational waves, all the theoretical biases regarding the properties of the source of the signal (distances, masses, etc,. all of which have been calculated using the very equations that made the prediction we’re trying to prove and not based on actual measurements) and take an objective look at what was observed, what are we left with?

We are left with is a single low resolution, noisy, signal of origin, source and location unknown, that has yet to be independently corroborated, and of a type that has never been observed before, thus without any reference signals to compare it to. However one looks at the data, a singular event such as the observed signal is far from sufficient to claim discovery.

That said, I can understand that after hundred years, scientists were eager to settle the question, but it makes all the more paradoxical to claim discovery prematurely.

I fear and predict that further observations will show that the signal is not what physicists hoped for and that they’ll have to live down a larger embarrassment than even the BICEP 2 claim caused.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

First Impressions about the LIGO Observation of a Gravitational Signal

I had hoped that the shape of the signal would be clear enough to falsify either GR or QGD, but we will have to wait for more data and for a third gravitational observatory to pin point the location of the source of the next event and compare it to electromagnetic signals from the same source.

First impressions (detailed analysis to follow).

1. The signal is much larger than GR simulations predict for an event located at 1.6 billion light years from us. It should be something like 50 times smaller in amplitude, but this larger amplitude is consistent with QGD equation for gravity. The first part of the signal shows how much larger than predicted by GR


2. when we look closely at the part that is closer to predictions, we see reduction in amplitude as frequency increases. This again is in agreement with QGD’s prediction for instantaneous tidal effect.

That said, the observed signal is the first and only one we have and the amplitude of a signal may be affected by factors such as the rotation of the plane on which lies the orbits of the black holes (or whatever system caused it).

Don’t get me wrong. This is an amazing achievement, but still, in itself, the signal doesn’t prove that gravitational waves exist. We’ll have to wait a little longer for that.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

About the Advanced LIGO Rumours and Gravitational Waves (part 3)

In part 1 and part 2 of this series of article, I have made some predictions that set quantum-geometry dynamics apart from predictions made using general relativity. I have explained that gravitational signals would be similar. I will clarify what I meant here. Below is a graph figure taken from this paper which describes the shape of a gravitational wave signal produced by merging of two black holes as predicted by general relativity (black curve). I have drawn (somewhat crudely) over the graph, in red, the shape of a gravitational signal predicted by quantum-geometry dynamics. If GR prediction is correct, there would be an increase in amplitude and frequency as the black holes spiral towards collision. But if QGD is correct, there would be an increase in frequency similar to that predicted by GR but we would see decrease in the amplitude of the signal as the black holes spiral towards collision.


Sunday, February 7, 2016

About the Advanced LIGO Rumours and Gravitational Waves (part 2)

Everyone who is familiar with quantum-geometry dynamics knows that it precludes the existence of gravitational waves (if you are not familiar with QGD, see An Axiomatic Approach to Physics for a short introduction to subject). So, one may think that a possible discovery of a signal may potentially falsify QGD. Far from it!

Yesterday I explained that, in itself, a signal resembling gravitational waves is not enough to establish their existence. A tidal force effect from a binary system can produce the same signal. I also explained that if such a signal were caused by gravitational waves from a binary system that it must be in perfect synch with electromagnetic signals for the same system. If gravitational and electromagnetic signals are in sync then, yes, the gravitational signal must be caused by gravitational waves and general relativity’s prediction is supported. However, if it is in sync then gravitational waves are not the cause and QGD’s prediction is supported.

If they did detect a gravitational signal, having only two detectors, it will be impossible to pinpoint the location of the source, but when a third detector is added, we’ll be able to find the location of sources of gravitational signals. When we do, there will be two possibilities.

1. Radio signals from a system that caused the signal will stop since it merged into a single object. This supports general relativity.

2. Radio telescopes continue to receive signals from a system and will be doing so millions of years. This is QGD’s prediction.

QGD also makes other predictions with sets it apart from those of general relativity.

For one, from QGD’s equation for gravitational interaction, we know that the magnitude of gravitational interaction between two bodies decreases in a way that is in agreement with Newton’s law of gravity and does so until it reaches a threshold distance of around 10 Mpc at which distance it equals to zero. So binary systems located at the threshold distance from us would have no detectable gravitational effect. But beyond the threshold distance, the gravitational interaction becomes repulsive and increases exponentially to the square of the distance. Basically, a gravitational interaction signal from a binary system at a distance of 30 Mpc would four times greater than the signal from a comparable system at 20 Mpc. Such a signal would be much stronger than the signal predicted by general relativity. At 30 Mpc, it would four times greater and nine times greater at 40 Mpc. So if QGD is correct, beyond the 10 Mpc, the greater the distance of a binary system, the greater the gravitational signals.

Also from the QGD equation for gravity, we find that the effect of gravity beyond the threshold distance is the same as the effect we know as dark energy. As a consequence, the strength of a gravitational signal from a binary system must be exactly proportional to the acceleration of the system relative to us.

However this turns out, if a gravitational signal has been detected, it will be the basis of a huge leap in our understanding of the universe.

Go to part 3

Saturday, February 6, 2016

About the Advanced LIGO Rumours and Gravitational Waves (part 1)

There have been rumors about the advanced LIGO experiment having observed gravitational waves and a possible official announcement as early as next week. Now, according to quantum-geometry dynamics ( which predict gravity is instantaneous) there can’t be any such thing as gravitational waves. The question is then, should the discovery by LIGO of an effect that looks like gravitational waves be taken as evidence of their existence? By itself, a LIGO detection is not enough. Here’s why.

There is another well-known effect that can explain variations in the length of the arms of the LIGO experiment which would cause the observed signal; the tidal force effect. Simple calculations using QGD equations show that the rapid rotation of binary systems will cause have a tidal effect on bodies even at great distances so that what may appear as a ripples in space-time can be attributed to the contraction and expansion the apparatus itself and not of space-time. The observed effect of gravitational waves and tidal force will appear very similar but there is a very simple test that would allow us to distinguish between them.

If as general relativity predicts, gravitational waves propagate at the speed of light then observations of gravitational waves from a binary system must be in synch with observations of the system by telescopes and radio telescopes. If they are found to be perfectly in synch, then gravitational waves have been detected, if they are not in sync, then we observed the tidal force effect on the apparatus.

QGD’s predicts that comparing the gravitational effect signal with electromagnetic signals from a binary system will show that the former corresponds to the instantaneous state of the system while the electromagnetic signals will reflect the state of the system as it was at the time the photons were emitted. That is, if the system is 120 million light years away, for example, then the telescopes will observe the system as it was 120 million years before the state described by the gravitational tidal effect.


Suggested reading: An Axiomatic Approach to Physics

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