Saturday, February 6, 2016

About the Advanced LIGO Rumours and Gravitational Waves (part 1)

There have been rumors about the advanced LIGO experiment having observed gravitational waves and a possible official announcement as early as next week. Now, according to quantum-geometry dynamics ( which predict gravity is instantaneous) there can’t be any such thing as gravitational waves. The question is then, should the discovery by LIGO of an effect that looks like gravitational waves be taken as evidence of their existence? By itself, a LIGO detection is not enough. Here’s why.

There is another well-known effect that can explain variations in the length of the arms of the LIGO experiment which would cause the observed signal; the tidal force effect. Simple calculations using QGD equations show that the rapid rotation of binary systems will cause have a tidal effect on bodies even at great distances so that what may appear as a ripples in space-time can be attributed to the contraction and expansion the apparatus itself and not of space-time. The observed effect of gravitational waves and tidal force will appear very similar but there is a very simple test that would allow us to distinguish between them.

If as general relativity predicts, gravitational waves propagate at the speed of light then observations of gravitational waves from a binary system must be in synch with observations of the system by telescopes and radio telescopes. If they are found to be perfectly in synch, then gravitational waves have been detected, if they are not in sync, then we observed the tidal force effect on the apparatus.

QGD’s predicts that comparing the gravitational effect signal with electromagnetic signals from a binary system will show that the former corresponds to the instantaneous state of the system while the electromagnetic signals will reflect the state of the system as it was at the time the photons were emitted. That is, if the system is 120 million light years away, for example, then the telescopes will observe the system as it was 120 million years before the state described by the gravitational tidal effect.


Suggested reading: An Axiomatic Approach to Physics

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